There are new protocols for safely buying and selling Real Estate in the Tahoe-Truckee area during, and I suspect after, the COVID-19 shutdown which have been mandated by both the National Association of Realtors (NAR) and the California Association of Realtors (CAR).

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security recently classified real estate as an essential service with local laws governing the details on how to conduct business. Here are the new rules and regulations for how to conduct Real Estate business in the Tahoe-Truckee area:
- 6 Feet Social Distancing At All Times
- Use Separate Cars for Realtor & Buyer/Sellers
- Max 2 People Tour, plus the Realtor and Take Turns if Necessary
- Do Not Touch Anything In the Home, or Wipe Down if Touched
- All Parties Wear Masks and Gloves
Prior to touring, the potential Buyer must sign the new “Coronavirus Property Entry Advisory” form, which basically states that they are voluntarily entering the home. A potential Buyer must also state to their agent that they have previously viewed the home online and provide them with proof of funds. The intent here is to cut down on people simply looking to tour properties with no intention of buying.
A new “Coronavirus Listing Addendum” is now mandated that Sellers must sign giving explicit permission to continue showing the home. This form essentially serves as notice that the Sellers are aware that Coronavirus is active and they will allow for home tours under the new touring protocols listed above.
Request a Virtual Tours – It may become the new normal to view or request a virtual tour for a home of interest. Most Tahoe-Truckee properties already have virtual tours created however if not, feel free to always reach out to me directly requesting a virtual tour be created. These tours can typically be filmed same-day via GoPro. We can also jump on FaceTime or Zoom to virtually tour together in realtime at the home.
Private Tours are the new Open House – While most Realtors will not be participating in public open houses for the foreseeable future, that doesn’t mean home showings need to end. As always, feel free to reach out directly to schedule a private tour of any home, or list of homes you would like to view and we will simply follow the home touring guidelines above.