When you close your eyes and picture Truckee in the year 2040, what does it look like? Well, a few years from now the Town of Truckee hopes to have its revised General Plan and Downtown Specific Plan completed, which would help make that image a lot clearer.
By law, every City and County in California must create a General Plan “for the physical development of the town and any land outside its boundaries that bears relation to its planning.” Typically, a general plan is designed to address the issues facing the community in the next 15-25 years. These plans act as long term road maps for local governments to use to plan for future development. By factoring in the communities input, the General Plan can put forth more equitable goals and policies for Town Staff, Town Council, and the Planning Commission to base land use decision on. These plans, at a minimum, must address: land use, traffic (circulations), housing, conservation, open space, noise, safety, air quality, and environmental justice.
The Town’s current General Plan was adopted back in 2006 and, as you can imagine, things have changed dramatically since then. California has made several changes to State law that affect general plans, contemporary planning, and updates to general plan guidelines. These changes will require a reevaluation of the existing General Plan and community vision. The General Plan will look ahead to the year 2040, so the update will not only bring policies and actions up to date, but also position Truckee for the next 22 years.
What do you think? What suggestions would you have for the Town?Follow along with the Plan here: https://www.truckee2040.com/