If you are feeling as overwhelmed as I am these days with the amount of information coming at you that might be actually confusing you more than the informing you, we’ve created a resource.

Below is a guide consolidating all of the current North Lake Tahoe information, resources, and communications that you can bookmark and return to for up-to-date and accurate information on the current state of COVID-19 regulations and orders
The North Lake Tahoe Resort Association and Chamber of Commerce have created a thorough and continually updated resource on everything happening in the region, including offering an email sign-up to have updates sent directly to you:

#2 Town of Truckee
Mayor David Polivy issued a COVID-19 Fact Sheet as well as offering updated information on the resources, orders and community updates for The Town of Truckee.

#3 Placer County STR Regulations

Read Placer County’s current rules for Short-Term Rentals
#4 Town of Truckee STR Regulations

Read Truckee’s current rules for Short-Term Rentals
#5 Nevada County

Read Nevada County’s current rules and requests for the entire county.